Two Courier Mail articles from 1934 regarding the Alf Whereat Memorial now on the grounds at the BSS.
Monday 19th November 1934 - Courier Mail
At 11 am. yesterday, at Cameron's
Rocks, the memorial stone erected to the
memory of Alf ("Toby") Whereat was
unveiled by Mr. E. McKenzie, president
of the Brisbano Sixteen-foot Skiff Club.
Mr. T. Telford commodore of the club,
mentioned that the stone had been
erected from money subscribed by sailing
folk all over Australia, Other speakers
were Mr. F. Kable (Yacht Racing Asso-
ciation and Sandgate Yacht Club) and
Mr. W. RORcrs (Queensland Sixteen-foot
Skiff Association).
Monday 15th January, 1934 - Courier Mail
Foundation Stone Laid
"To the memory of the late Alf.
Whereat, one of Australia's greatest
skippers and boat designers, I declare
this memorial stone well and truly
laid," said Dr, Val McDowell, in per-
forming the ceremony at Cameron
Rocks. Hamilton, yesterday. He traced
the association of the late Alf. Whereat
with the sport and mentioned that
his chief successes were in the 18ft
skiff class, where he won five Austra-
lian championships in eight starts.
Other speakers to pay tribute to
the memory of the late Mr. Whereat
were Messrs. A. Faulkner, W. A. Doug-
las (chairman Q.Y.R.A.), J. Kelly
(Wide Bay). E. Tomlinson (Western
Australia), L. steel (Toronto, N.S.W.),
J T "ins (Middle Harbour. N.S.W.).
W. Rogers (chairman Queensland 16ft
Skiff Association), G. P. Campbell
(patron Brisbane Skiff Club). E.
McKenzie (Commodore Brisbane Skiff
Club), and V. Lucas.
Mr. G. P. Campbell outlined a
scheme, which has for its object the
provision of a perpetual trophy for
annual competition by the Brisbane
sailing clubs.
The memorial will be an 8ft square
foundation, supporting a 5ft square
pedestal, and two columns beneath a
coping of squat design.
Last Modified on 15/09/2009 22:59